TEACHERS DERGACHOVAViktoriya head of the department,doctor of economics, professor KRAVCHENKOMaryna dean of the faculty,Doctor of Economics, professor DUNSKAAllaprofessor of the department,deputy dean of FMM, doctor of economics, professor SMERICHEVSKASvitlanaprofessor of the department, doctor of economics, professor SMOLYARLyubovprofessor of the department, Doctor of Economics, professor GRIGORAKMariaprofessor of the department, doctor of economics KOLESHNYAYanaAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. SHKROBOTMarina Associate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. MOHON’KOAnnaAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. LUTSENKOIryna Associate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. NAHORNAInnaAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. HOLYUKVictoria Associate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. KUZNETSOVAKaterynaAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. SALOYDStanislavAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. KOPISHYNSKAKateryna Associate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. ARTEMENKOLinaAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. PICHUGINAMaryna Associate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. HOLYUKVictoria Associate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. CHORNIIViktoriyaAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. KOTSKOTarasAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. SITNYKNataliyaAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. HUKOlgaAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. SAVITSKAOlenaAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. ZHALDAKHannaAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. SUKHORUKOVAOlgaAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. KVASKOAllaAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. SHENDERIVSKALinaAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. CHUPRINAMargaritaAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. PERMINOVASvitlanaAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. LAZORENKOTaisiyaAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. GRYHOROVAZoyaAssociate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. OMELCHENKOAnna Associate professor of the department, senior lecturer VEDUTALyudmila head of the educational laboratory TONKIHOleksiy Associate professor of the department, Cand. Sc. CHENUSHAOleksandr senior lecturer of the department,, Cand. Sc. KORZHOVEvgeny senior lecturer of the department,, Cand. Sc. LYTVYNENKO Pavlo senior lecturer of the department,, Cand. Sc. KHLEBINSKAOleksandraassistant of the department HOLTSOVA Iryna assistant of the department BONDARValeriya assistant of the department