The Unified Entrance Exam (UEE) and the Unified Professional Entrance Exam (UPEE) in 2023 will be held in the form of online computer tests that can be taken only in special testing centers established in Ukrainian cities (in agreement with the state authorities) and abroad.

The Unified Entrance Exam (UEE) will contain 33 tasks from the General Educational Competence Test (GECT) and 30 tasks in a foreign language (English, German, French or Spanish at the applicant’s choice).

The GECT tasks will be scored according to the scoring scheme. You can get from 0 to 33 test points for completing all GECT tasks.

The foreign language task will be evaluated according to the scoring scheme. You can get from 0 to 30 points for completing the tasks of the UEE foreign language block.

Test takers will know their results (i.e. the number of test points gained for correctly completed tasks) after completing the UEE.

According to the test score conversion table, the result of each block will be converted into a rating score on a scale of 100-200 points.

In case of equal competitive scores and priorities, the results of the review of motivation letters are used to rank the applicants.

A motivation letter is a free-form written statement by an applicant about his or her personal interest in entering Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

The total length of the motivation letter for applicants should not exceed 4,000 characters.

The requirements for writing a motivation letter can be found here:

Registration procedure for UEE/ UPEE for Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute graduates of 2023 who wish to enter the master’s program: