If you are interested in the processes of management and business administration, the development of a successful enterprise strategy and the development of a strategic business vision? Or maybe you want to learn modern management tools for real business processes based on the experience of successful Ukrainian and international companies?
The educational program “Management and Business Administration” for the second (master’s) level of higher education can be found here:
Study period: 1 year and 4 months
Form of study: full-time or part-time
Location: Kyiv, ave. Peremohy, 37, building 1 (Polytechnic Institute metro station).
All educational buildings and dormitories are on the territory of the campus
In case of emergency, online training.
Payment: from the state budget or under the terms of the contract.

Modern professional disciplines : a practical course in foreign language business communication, financial management, design of integration structures, management of enterprise development, strategic management, human resource management technologies, digital transformation of business, business management, scientific work on the topic of a master’s thesis, practice, execution of a master’s thesis, etc. . Advanced study of foreign languages.
Practice at leading Ukrainian enterprises: LLC “Huawei Ukraine”, PJSC “Ventilation Systems”, PJSC “Obolon”, JSC “Farmak”, PJSC “Kyiv Cardboard and Paper Mill”, JSC “Meridian” named after S.P. Korolyova, DP Antonov, DP Melexis-Ukraine, LLC Decathlon Ukraine, LLC Morbax, LLC Henkel Ukraine, LLC APTG-TRADING LTD, LLC BVI-Print, PJSC NKMZ etc.
International mobility: students have the opportunity to participate in international mobility programs and study abroad through exchange programs at universities in Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Turkey, etc.
Employment: graduates who receive in-depth knowledge in the field of management and business administration can hold the positions of managers at all levels of management, specialists of production, economic, marketing, personnel and other functional divisions of enterprises, organizers of small and medium-sized businesses, consultants for information and logistics support , personnel development management.
Study prospects: after receiving a master’s degree, you can continue your studies at a postgraduate school to obtain a scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the ONP “Management”
Additional knowledge: every year, students take part in and become winners and prize-winners of scientific and diploma theses competitions in the direction of “Management and Business Administration”, prize-winners of professional Olympiads, winners and prize-winners of business championships and competitions.