Congratulations to the winner of the International competition of student scientific works “Management, social and behavioral sciences in the implementation of the principles of sustainable development”
In May 2022, on the basis of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, the II round of the International Competition of Student Research Papers “Management, Social and Behavioral Sciences in the Implementation of the Principles of Sustainable Development” was held. A fourth-year student – Tetiana Volodymyrivna Zahorulko (scientific director of science of economics, associate professor L.P. Artemenko) received a diploma of the third degree.
Congratulations to Tatiana and Lina Artemenko!
We are the best from the best 1 place
In the International Business Simulations Competition for students at Business University in Wroclaw, Poland with support #Revas Business Simulations Games company 7-12.12.2020
- Student team from NtTUU KPI “Easy way”:
- Tania Zahorulko – Sales manager,
- Veronika Muzykoryshko – Financial manager,
- Tania Prystupa – Marketing manager,
- Artem Panin – HR manager,
- Mykhailo Hnyloskurenko – CEO
- 2 instructors: Artemenko Lina, Maryna Pichugina
- 4 countries: Poland , Hungary , India , Ukraine .
- 8 rounds, scorecard, strategy, suppliers, offers, employees, financial reports, marketing amenities, accounting, competitors.
Congratulations to the winner of the International competition of student scientific works!
In June 2021, the II round of the International Competition of Student Research Papers in the specialty 073 “Management” took place on the basis of Mykhailo Ostrogradsky National University of Kremenchug.
The competition commission considered 45 student scientific works by 64 authors, which came from 34 institutions of higher education from 8 countries of the world.
On the basis of the analysis of the competitive works, the received reviews and the results of the defense, the industry competitive commission determined the winners of the Competition and awarded the III degree diploma: Feoktistova Nataliya Olehivna, a fourth-year bachelor’s student, group UL-71 (scientific supervisor – Shkrobot Marina Volodymyrivna, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the department management).
The event took place in the form of a final scientific and practical zoom-conference with the participation of the winners of the first stage of the competition, their scientific supervisors, members of industry competition and appeal commissions, teachers and students.
Congratulations to Natalya and her supervisor Marina Volodymyrivna!
We wish you new scientific achievements!

Congratulations to the winners of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works!
Congratulations to the students of the Department of Management, who took part in the II round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties in the specialties “Organization Management” and “Project and Program Management” and received the following results:
Maria Ivanivna Haftunyak, fifth-year master’s student, group UV-81mp. (supervisor – Olena Mykolaivna Savytska, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management), who won the 3rd place in the specialty “Organization Management”;
Oksana Viktorivna Khomych, a fourth-year bachelor’s student, group UZ-51 (scientific supervisor – Hanna Anatoliivna Mohonko, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the Department of Management), who took third place in the specialty “Management of projects and programs”
Congratulations to Maria Haftunyak, Oksana Khomych and their supervisors!
We wish you new scientific achievements!
Congratulations to the winners of the International Student Research Paper Competition!
Congratulations to the students of the Department of Management who took part in the II round of the International Competition of Student Research Papers in the specialty 076 “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activity” and received the following result:
Yana Vitalyivna Omelchenko, fifth-year master’s student, group UL-81mp. (supervisor – Iryna Serhiyivna Lutsenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management), who took the honorary III place;
Kandiba Olena Kostyantynivna, fifth-year master’s student, group UL-81mp. (supervisor – Iryna Serhiyivna Lutsenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management), who took the honorary III place.
We sincerely congratulate Yana Omelchenko, Elena Kandyba
and their scientific supervisor, Iryna Sergiivna Lutsenko!
We wish you new scientific achievements!